Issue: 2022 - March/April

  • Rod realizes that sometimes, the most useful tools are the ones we take most for granted.
  • Sahil demonstrates more features of Git, this time covering Stash, using remote effectively to improve collaboration, forking and merging (the happy path), triangular workflow (using upstream) and managing/resolving conflicts.
  • Paul completes this series on how to make your MVC applications more fun to build and more comfortable for your users. This time, he’ll speed up your MVC applications with Ajax.
  • Every day, you need to know the date and the time for a myriad of reasons. Mike walks through the current state for using Data and Time types from SQL Server in .NET code.
  • Bilal continues his series on the PHP Laravel framework by securing the POST request and the Google Cloud Platform. He introduces two new features: storing files in Google Cloud Storage buckets using Laravel and using a Cloud Build Workflow step to snapshot the Cloud MySQL database as a backup.
  • These days, microservices seem to be solving all the architectural issues in software development. They’re everywhere, and that’s a good thing, right? Alexander explains how to make sure this simple construct doesn’t leave you with a security problem.
  • You already love Docker, but you probably aren’t familiar with Docker Desktop. Julie learned how useful this tool is by doing it the hard way.
  • In the current climate of using thin-client applications, you might hit a bump with your user interface integration. Joydip looks at the BFF (back-end for front-end) pattern in ASP.NET 6 Core to solve this problem.
  • John looks at what to consider when new tools are up for discussion.
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